Thursday, November 03, 2005

And we're OFF!

We leave in approximately 14 hours. Am I packed yet? Noooooooo. Haven't even started. I have stuff all over the place and Tom and I keep saying, man, we should have had that done...but WE DON'T. Our hearts are ready...our home is...a mess. But we will have it almost there and good friends and family will get it the rest of the way there. And although I know the kids will be WAY over-stimulated when they first get here... (it will most likely be 2 or 3 weeks before Christmas) well, their parents are massive collectors of stuff. I don't know if we will change. Our house will always be full. It is genetic for me (the parents are antique dealers...) and Tom has learned much of it so - our kids don't have a chance. They, too, will be collectors of much stuff. I THOUGHT about trying to get less stuff. The thing is, you can get rid of and get rid of - but when you have 10 times more than the average thrift store...well, it takes a dumpster or two to make a difference! We DO have less dust-bunnies now. And we DID finish our new bedroom. Well, I suppose I should pack this computer up and then pack my...clothes! Next stop, Kiev, Ukraine!


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Lois, Congrats! I have been talking with Tom about this from the get go, way back when I used to work with him in Field Service.

We too are trying to have kids, but we using the old fashioned method. I guarantee I will be checking this site all the time for updates from the Ukraine.

Praying for ya,


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