High School boys...TWO of them.
It's been over a year since I posted...and it certainly isn't because nothing has been happening. We have moved form a small town to a big city. My husband took a new job. And BOTH of my kids are...in HIGH SCHOOL. When we adopted the boys, I knew life would change. I knew it would go fast. But I have two boys teetering on the brink of manhood. Still firmly entrenched in the "boy" phase...but dangerously close...WAY too close to forever stepping in to their adult life. Video games versus hormones...who will win THAT battle?
Several years ago, I pretty much pummeled God with my questions about HOW my boys were going to make it. Were they close enough to Him? Did they GET it? Do they realize how important He is in their lives and what part He has played in orchestrating their lives? I don't think they "get it...yet. I certainly didn't at 15 or 16. I didn't have a clue. But as I was churning myself in to a frenzy about "what If" my boys didn't have a clue, God whispered in my ear "I've brought them this far, Lois...I won't leave them now..." Oh. Yeah. That calmed me. I let them go to the One who has held them since before they were born.
Will my boys make mistake? Yes. Certainly. Bad choices? For sure. But God loves them more than I ever could. And He loves them unconditionally. No matter what they do. No matter how they screw up. He's got them covered...and His plan is infinitely better than mine. Mine isn't even CLOSE to His. Plus I don't think you really CAN put your kids in a barrel and lock them in until they are 25. And it might not work that well, anyway. And, I have come to realize that as much as I wish I could, it is NOT my job to get them through this part of life without scratches, bumps and bruises. Sigh. I have to rest in the fact that God has it all under control.
He didn't bring them this far to leave them now. And with that knowledge...breath.
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