Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's gonna be a sloooow week.

Well, to start of with the good, Randy is back from Nepal. A missionary in Ukraine on a mission trip to Nepal - pretty cool. He did a conference for pastors in Nepal and had a wonderful time of sharing. It appears the Christian people of Nepal are hungry and eager for God. He had some great pictures and it was so good to see him. We are thanking God that he returned here safely.

Another thing on my mind is James Boateng. I hope he is doing better - I heard he was in the hospital. If ever there was a man who deserves to be visited by a million well-wishers, it would be James. I hope he is on his feet and out doing God's work again very soon. We are praying for him.

Well, we called Kostya and got some not so great news. It isn't the worst news, but it isn't great either. Apparently there are many people here trying to get their second appointments. Apparently things are kind of a mess at the AC right now. Apparently...they aren't taking appointments for ANYTHING this week. Not for the books and not the AC director. I guess that is one way to avoid problems...JUST SAY NO. Kostya said things are very, very difficult right now but he is still trying. Heavy, heavy sigh. I have visions of being here for another week, starting in on Tom's FMLA and then...being told to GO HOME and come back in a few months. As you can imagine, it is pretty easy to get depressed and down about anything. Here, no news news. And when we asked for news, it was bad.

I don't know what more we can ask for - more prayer? Prayer that we get in before all the other desperate parents-in-waiting? None of it is fair and none of it makes sense. Tom has done some math and the estimated figures of the orphans in Ukraine is 100,000 (from the figures found in a documentary). If only half are registered, then we have 50,000. Say half of them are way to ill - we are down to 25,000. And we saw papers on about 250. WHERE are the children?

So. I don't know what to do with my self. I guess I will post some pictures. Later.

Keep on praying - it feels like it's gonna take a miracle.


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will pray for God's perfect plan to unfold. I don't know what that is, but I know He has one.
We'll keep praying and watching for whatever that is. I know you're frustrated and discouraged beyond words. You are right, you would think they would want those children in homes, not in just jam packed into the orphanages.

I am sorry this road keeps getting longer and harder. Keep looking to Jesus my friends. He'll give you the strength and grace you need. As we have said a million times in the past two weeks, we wish we were able to be with you in person as you go through this.


At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Lois:
Hang in there and keep the faith. God will turn it around and work in your favor. Keep speaking that you have favor with all men and women in every circumstance and watch God move on your behalf.

My husband and I got back from Ukraine about a month and a half ago with a beautiful 20 month old little boy. We intended to bring back a sibling group of 2 under 4yrs old and were delayed about a week waiting to find out if any of the sibling groups we selected were available. Just after we found out that they were all not available we were given an appointment and come to find out that our son Andrew had become available that day and healthy I will add. God's timing isn't ours and He knows what is BEST for you and your family right now. Now that we are home, I praise God for our joyful, loving and very active little boy. Two right now would be tooooo much to handle for us. God knows best and has your kid/s ready and waiting for you. Keep praising Him for your family is already completed, in Jesus name.

Karrie Millilo

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Lois,

Don't forget, you have a personal relationship with the One who is in the mircle making business! Keep your eyes turned to Him!

The puppet team's verse is; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Lean on Him for your strength!
We will continue to pray for you, for the children and for your journey!

God bless you, we love you and take care!

The Osborne family

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom and Lois,
My name is Emily and my husband and I live in Cissna Park. I just found your blog and found out that you are from Rossville--what a coincidence! We have submitted our dossier, were registered in September, and are waiting for our travel date along with the hundreds of other families. We will be praying for you and your journey. All of us Christians know that everything works out according to God's plan, but that doesn't seem to make things easier, does it? After things unfold we can see His hand in the process, but during the experience we sometimes wonder if maybe we could do a better job:) Hopefully we can stay in touch, even after we both get home from our journeys!


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Lois,

Oh how hard this has to be for you both. Please continue to be persistent and know that we love you and are praying for you both. Hugs and kisses to you...Patti and Family

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Lois,
We continue to pray for you guys and for your children. So many people are united in this prayer request. We all hurt for you and all of the uncertainity you are going through. We pray that you guys can keep looking forward.
We love you both .
Steve and Anita

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, just hang in there and be patient, yea easy for me to say right, but the Millilo family is right , Gods timing is always best!
You are doing so well! And what a wittness you have been to many!!
Loveya, The Wilsons

At 9:40 PM, Blogger USMC Crew said...

"And remember that God is able to meet every need you have out of His grace (and abundance), so you can be in a position to carry out every good work (He has ordained you to)." 2nd Corinthians 9:8

I know it is hard, but you are holding strong... we are all praying for you. He knows... we just need to "know" He knows (and .. alas... wait!)

Love you, Fran & Co.


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