I think I'm on the brink of something LARGE...
After a long nights sleep, we are up and ready to...get ready to go. We are repacking for about the 5th time and we want to take fewer bags of stuff. But this time we actually NEED the suitcase full of toys (and you know what...that suitcase has a LOT more cars and boy-toys than girl stuff. It has been hard for me to say good-bye to the possibility of a girl, let alone saying good-bye to younger children...but like so much else here, it is what it is and if this is my family, this is my family. But I have to tell you, the thought of being the minority in my own house is frightening!!!! I know Reta and Anita are used to it...but I am from a family of three GIRLS. With us and mom, WE RULED THE HOUSE!!! My father ALWAYS puts the toilet seat down! So...that will be an adjustment! But, I will have two wonderful boys, Tom will have kids to take golfing and to watch AND play basketball...and of course there is always NASCAR! THIS is what God had planned for us - WOW. Two boys...no, three boys and ME. Scraped knees, ROCK FIGHTS (yeah, Geordie THAT made me feel better!!!!), and visions of ink-filled squirt guns (right, Shelly!?), I can do this...really, I can!
I am kind of getting excited now (and I know it will get much worse after 14 hours in a car - those are very small walls to climb!!!)
We want to thank you ALL for all the prayers (we aren't asking for you to quit, though) - it has been awesome to read the responses and to know that we have so many praying for us...it is a wonderful thing to be a part of. Spaseeba Bolshoy! We love you guys so much - and we know you will love our boys, too.
The NEXT picture you see of two boys will be of our boys...THIS is a picture of our two "boy wonder's" - Vasya and Kostya. I took this while we were at the Ukrainian cafeteria yesterday (if you sniff in hard, you can still smell my fishy salad). Vasya is on the left and Kostya is on the right. You know have a picture of two people that need our prayers for various reasons! Kostya stays in Kiev to do all the running around and paperwork that has to be done here. Vasya is driving us to Simferopal and is, of course, our interpreter. He MAY have twice as much work to do. Vasya has a 3 month old baby boy and a wife that he will be away from as long as he is with us. He took his wife and son to her mother's this past weekend..and he already misses them!
Pray for Kostya and Vasya as they do all the behind the scenes official work. Pray that we can get the orphanage to move one of the boys back to the other region (half as much court time and travel) and pray that all goes smoothly. Pray for our boys - they will have a HUGE adjustment ahead of them. As much as it will be a change for all of us, they are just little boys. How scary would this be! We will get the measurements and all that as soon as we get them. I may post from here one more time before we head out at 4 a.m. but we will be without internet for a while...so keep checking on us, but be patient. You have an official blog break from 4 a.m. tomorrow morning until probably Thursday night (you do the math and figure out what time that is BACK THERE!)
Hope the guys will take a few breaks for you to walk around the car at least!! Cause you will be needing that with all the anxiety and excitement. I loved reading your comments and humor, cause it was the real Lois shining through. I know it's all still scary and even when you are home with the boys, it's still scary. Lindsay was surprised she would have two BOY cousins close to HER age, and the boys thought they probably would LOVE to play video games with them. Yeah, I'm sure that's not what you want them starting off with in their new American lifestyle! Maybe your boys can get MY boys outside playing some basketball or something, yeah??
Tom and Lois,
I am very excited as I think of you guys packing up the toys to take to meet your sons. I miss all of those toys, although we still have lots of LEGOS around here. I don't think that you ever could rid your home of every LEGO. They show up forever. Joel will need to have the boys over so that he can have an excuse to play with them again. Hey, Steve and I will have a NASCAR party....how about Daytona? You know, Tyler and Zachary are nice names but you could always call them "Jeff and Junior"! I AM KIDDING. Well, dear friends, have a safe and wonderful trip. I cannot wait for the pictures! More than that I cannot wait to SEE "Tom and Lois and the boys" (that has such a nice ring to it)
With much love to you and Praise and Love to God,
OH indeed it is huge! Though I started a family with girls 9 and 7 and one boy 4... we did all speak English! Though I can assure you that at different times, we definately were not speaking the same language, matter of fact, the girls declared that Devon was from another planet entirely - and hey I have great kids, and speak to Amy - she had bumps and bruises and was pretty much a tomboy- though I don't recall rock fights ever - you know we're overprotective and they'd put "your" eye out! Granted after B and K were born, we girls STILL out numbered the boys, but honestly, and my girls with their baby boys will admit this too (ok Jen hasn't had her baby long enough) BOYS are easier than girls - I think Amy would agree! And this must be His plan! We will continue prayers for safe travels, opportunity to move children, gifts of love exchanged, and for your Kostya and Vasya. I am glad you have two folks looking after you and getting you through the process. Love you all, Fran
Sounds like all is doing good this day!
Glad you are ok now Lois!
God has some really wonderful plans for you both and your new lives with the boys!
I hope to get to take them sledding this winter! I know you will! Guess it is already doing that over there!
We will pray for all of y ours over there and I know everything will be great! Love you! Mom and Dad
Tom and Lois,
Hey -- sounds like things are going much better. Sorry I have not responded in a few days but know that you both have been in my thoughts and prayers. Preparing for two boys has to be so exciting for you both. Close in age will be absolutely wonderful. Kristina just said the other day how many cousins do I have and why don't I have more cause every one has more cousins than me (4 girl cousins!) -- bring on the boys I am sure she would say LOL - you understand that coming from a teenage girl! We will surely miss you on T-Day in PA. Please know that we will be praying for you and will be anxious to hear how things go. Also know that our life will be changing a bit too in our household as your temporary visitor arrives Tuesday evening for who knows how long...
Lots of love to you both and a blessed Thanksgiving Day!
Patti and Family :~)
Still thinking of you. If you get "older" kids that's cool, someone else for my kids to play with :) ;)
Those first few years go by SO FAST anyway. I'll let my breath out when I hear you're on a plane going home with your kids. Love Amy
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