Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the road again...

Yeah, nothing like Willy Nelson to sum up the feeling...I just can't wait to get on the road again.....

We leave in about 4 1/2 hours. I still need to pack up the computer and double check that we have what we need. Tom has the clothes packed and is sawing logs (but then Tom has to stay awake and entertain Vasya!)

Everything went fine at the AC. It was nice to be there and not feel like the sky was falling. I actually FOUND the bathroom there (for those of you who are planning to adopt here, you climb 4 sets of stairs to get to the AC...to go to the bathroom, you go down the only set of stairs you can go down when you walk in the building...men to the left, woman to the right. They are lovely squatty pots so bring your own TP ...but at least they HAVE one that is public and AVAILABLE!!!) We got our paperwork and were out of there in less than half an hour. Vasya and Kostya did some phone calling and got us a flat in Simferopal. I HOPE we can get connected to the internet at our flat. If not, it's the Internet Cafe's for us.

So, Kostya picked us up around 2:30 to go get our paperwork and we drive in to the city...and got stuck in massive amounts of traffic. Today was the one-year anniversary of the Orange Revolution. There was one street full of people covered in orange clothing...apparently walking to another street to meet the people dressed in blue (the other party) or red (the communist party). Kostya is NOT political...and basically said "Ah, yes, this revolution causes problems for all of us...even those not involved!" He got us turned around and went another way...he was going to take something and drop it off to a translator if we had time but with that delay, he didn't have time. He dropped us off and we went to the AC and got there about 4 (yeah - traffic was that bad). You really notice how the color and light level change at the top of the stairs when you are going there for a good thing...I heard the angels as I approached the top "AAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh...." and we went up and waited for about 20 minutes in the little sitting area, another 10 in the Scooby Doo hall and then we went in, signed the thing that said we understood it was free and report anyone who asks for money (again) and then they took Tom's passport, had him sign and we were done. The man helping us said (in English) "thank you and very good luck to you." We FEEL lucky. This is going to be awesome.

We were asking Kostya about how long this will take and HE says we will usher in the New Year in Kiev. Oh. Wow. Vasya does not agree. Either that or Vasya hopes not because he want to be with his wife and baby!!! Well, I hope not too. But if we are, we are! (But I hope we aren't!!!)

Well, I must pack up the old laptop and head South...and here is what we have been told might happen and a few things to pray for until we meet again on Thursday;

Please pray for safe travel, that we can meet both boys on Thanksgiving Day for us(TALK ABOUT A WHOLE NEW MEANING TO THAT DAY!). Pray that the judges and directors and all the official people involved with this will work quickly and pray that we CAN be home before 2006! I think I am catching cold (I am megadosing vitamin C for what it is worth)and a sore throat - please pray for my health - I don't want to be sick and snotty on Thursday!!! THANK YOU, AGAIN!!! We love you and we will update as soon as we can!



At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like you have been gone a year already!!

This has to be the longest pregnancy in history!!!But I guess if the boys are already in school it should take more than 9 months!

We will continue to pray for two great meetings on Thursday....I have so many questions, but I guess they can wait til you all get here.

We will also pray for your health & safe travel & speedy paperwork!

Take care of each other - and remember you have a huge family back here, and we are anxious to add your kids to it!

Love, Russ & Connie

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying as well,and you know that many many people thanking God for all he has done on your behalf on Thursday.
I too hope that you are home before 2006, but I also want you to have enough transition time in familiar territory for the boys. If it does look like you will be there a good while please get us a mailing address.
Just so you know, during this stage of pregnancy you need to know 4 words...Hee Hee Hee Ho !
Love you guys,

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lois in talking to you for over a hour I feel much better! You are relaxed and happy and that is what we wanted to feel! We are all so blessed to have all of this coming together and with all of your friends and family and of course God all will be fine! Loveing and praying that the boys and everything goes well on Thursday! Mom and Dad

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait. your excitement is was shouting across the ocean during our broken IM today! Amazed you got as many words typed in your phone as you did! What exciting news. Isn't God good.

I know I've said it before, but the boys have no idea how blessed they are! They got some of the greatest parents in the world. Abs and Becca are ready to share all their toys, so hurry home!

We miss you and pray the rest of the process is quick and without delay. I can't wait to see you in action as mom and dad! Sounds like you already know, they were worth the wait, and the search!

Love you

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Mike and Nancy Huggs said...

Our very best wishes to you as you travel. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mike and Nancy


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